Riding together into the future!

DrivOlution is a team of specialists with a passion for road safety, fuel-efficient driving, and sustainable mobility. They offer a comprehensive approach to sustainable improvement of driving behavior, tailored to your organization’s needs.

De vraag: advies en ondersteuning om een nieuwe service te lanceren op de markt

In what way should we best launch our ‘SafeDriveJourney’ on the market? What is our ideal customer profile, how do our customers and prospects currently make purchases, and how can we best assist them in this process?

"Marketing & Sales is like cycling: it's in the legs, and everyone knows how to do it. But that extra push to go faster in the right direction, that's what Markies means to us. Thank you, Kurt, for the valuable insights you shared with us." - Roel

Growth =
asking for help


The approach: buyer & customer journey, ideal customer profile, and content planning.

Together with various internal stakeholders (product management, marketing, and sales), we organized several workshops to define the ideal customer and understand the journey they undertake when purchasing a similar service. From there, we collectively determined who takes on which role and responsibility in that process and how, through the right content, we could attract new customers. Additionally, we familiarized DrivOlution with the use of the right tools to provide them with maximum support (such as Sales Navigator).

The result: SafeDriveJourney

After the various workshops, DrivOlution was able to regain control of their roadmap for the launch of “SafeDriveJourney” and set the necessary actions for the rollout. The use of the right tools only accelerated this process. They are now producing engaging content for their target audience and regularly hosting inspirational webinars.

Experts who have contributed.

Kurt is a true “people person.” He thrives on collaboration, helping others, making improvements, mentoring, and is exceptionally customer-oriented. With over 20 years of experience in various executive marketing and sales roles, he now combines the human and emotional aspects with a strong results-driven mindset when it comes to sales and marketing figures.

Cara recently graduated as a Digital Marketer. With her fresh perspective, she joins the Markies team as a junior member. Exploring various digital aspects is something that excites her, and she excels in content marketing and social media.

In collaboration with JDI.


A one-hour sounding board session for you to share your story and explore how we can support you.

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