Sales training: How to get the most out of your team?


Markies Shoot at Yust

The challenges in times of economic uncertainty

It appears that a recession is looming. With longer lead times for acquiring new customers and increasing negotiations over price-quality ratios, companies will face changing market conditions. Existing customers may also question the price when renewing contracts.


Markies Shoot at Yust

Is your sales team up for the challenge?

Is your organization ready for these changes? Has your sales team received the right training? How did you approach this? What kind of follow-up do you give to the training? How do you ensure that your employees have actually acquired new skills?

These are all important questions to ask yourself. It’s crucial to understand that ‘learning’ is not the same as ‘performing,’ and the short-term effect of training can differ from the long-term impact.


Avoid common pitfalls in sales training

Sales training is often set up quickly, on a limited budget, and within a short time frame. However, research shows that you lose 40% of newly acquired knowledge after just 20 minutes. To achieve successful training, it’s important to focus on repetition and practicing what has been learned.

Learning processes require time, effort, and motivation

Learning is a marathon, not a sprint. With the right effort and approach, sales training can have a significant impact on the success of your organization. Prepare your team well and invest in their development, so they can excel even in times of economic uncertainty.

Three tips for successful sales training

  1. Invest in your team post-training: Make sure you spend enough time on your employees after the training so that the knowledge they have gained actually sticks. Spaced learning helps store information better in long-term memory.
  2. Use various learning methods: Have your team engage in role-playing, create mind maps, and discuss what they have learned. Using different tools, like battle cards, helps them better store and apply the knowledge they have gained.
  3. Monitor progress: Establish ‘leading indicators’ that quickly provide insight into the impact of the training, such as the evolution of win rates, average order values, and changes in sales prices or given discounts.
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