How to break down silos between marketing and sales?

Collaboration is essential

In the video “How to Break Down Silos Between Marketing and Sales” by Kurt Ghijsbrecht (note: Dutch spoken), the importance of collaboration between marketing and sales teams is emphasized. The bad news is that there’s no room for individualism; the good news is that working together improves results.

Practical tips for teamwork

The video offers practical tips to promote collaboration. A first step is to place marketing and sales in the same space so they can learn from each other. Additionally, it’s crucial that both teams have the same objectives, as they jointly manage the same pipeline.

Equality in compensation

Kurt urges CEOs to consider the compensation structures of marketing and sales. It’s important to create equality in both fixed and variable compensation, since both teams work towards the same goals together.

Organize interactive workshops

Workshops between marketing and sales can aid in documenting customer behavior and optimizing support processes. These workshops result in quick wins and potentially larger breakthroughs in both customer and internal processes.

Benefits of effective collaboration

By following these recommendations, companies can achieve better close ratios, leading to more satisfied customers and employees, and ultimately better business results. Ask yourself: what are you waiting for? Watch the video for deeper insights!

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