Future leadership: What will make tomorrow’s CEO successful?

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A changing world

Do you recognize that feeling? We live in uncertain and volatile times, and that puts the entrepreneurial radar on edge. Especially now, it is crucial that CEOs take the lead and guide their companies through the challenges of today and tomorrow. But what characterizes the successful CEO of the future? What leadership styles does he employ? And how does he manage his team in uncertain times?


Leading in challenging times

These are exciting times for business leaders. They must keep their businesses running with fewer and fewer resources, make changes, and get everyone on board. They are constantly shifting between performing and transforming. Running a company in turbulent times is certainly not an easy task. But when CEOs embrace their role as tomorrow’s leaders, they can truly make a difference and put their company on the map in a positive way. Although that requires a new way of managing: new leadership styles and qualities are a must to reach the top.

The CEO of the future: A visionary leader who inspires and motivates

Wat de bedrijfswereld van morgen nodig heeft zijn motivators en verhalenvertellers. Een CEO van de toekomst excelleert niet alleen in strategisch denken, maar is ook iemand die met pakkende verhalen en een inspirerende visie iedereen meekrijgt. Iemand die zijn team elke dag opnieuw weet te motiveren om het beste uit zichzelf te halen. Zo’n leider houdt een bedrijf op koers, en helpt een bedrijf om wendbaar te blijven richting een nieuwe dynamiek, om daarna met frisse energie een nieuwe toekomst tegemoet te gaan.

6 effective leadership styles for tomorrow's business leaders

Business leaders often have an overflowing to-do list, so their leadership skills sometimes take a back seat. In our experience, even small adjustments to a leadership style can make a world of difference. Here are the most important leadership styles in a row:

1. Prove your leadership every day

Forget those old-fashioned hierarchical structures – the modern leader of tomorrow inspires and gets people to volunteer. Current generations no longer respond to hierarchy alone; it is the leader himself, not the position, that sets the tone.

2. Put customer satisfaction at the top of your priority list

Many top managers don’t understand why their customers are dissatisfied. A shame, right? CEOs should identify customer irritations and see which ones they can solve quickly and without major costs. This way, you not only improve customer satisfaction, but also show employees that every detail counts.

Tip: Really want to know what’s on your customers’ minds? Then get started with our Ideal Customer Profile Canvas or just ask them yourself! As CEO, dare to be your own point of contact from time to time, and send a select group of customers a personal email that they can come to you for all their problems. Afraid of an overflowing inbox? Then just work out a clever structure and you’ll keep it somewhat manageable. Bet your clients won’t believe their eyes when the big boss himself shows up in their mailbox.

3. See leadership in times of crisis as an opportunity

Many companies sit in sackcloth and ashes during a crisis. Sales drop, disputes run high, hiring comes to a halt…. But the CEO of tomorrow thinks differently. He sees opportunities where others are slowing down. While your competitors slow down, he shifts up a gear. This immediately gives him a considerable head start.

4. Engage in personal leadership

The CEO of tomorrow has balls to their body and dares to think out of the box. They may not be overly guided by how their organization has always been, but feel free to follow their own compass and focus on what drives them intrinsically, from within. That helps keep their balance in a changing world of stakeholders.

5. Motivating employees

The business leader of tomorrow must inspire and motivate his employees. He must certainly not lapse into an old-fashioned management role, but must become a real coach for his people. He can do this by, for example, giving them a heartfelt pat on the back from time to time. When they feel that the CEO sees and appreciates them, their self-confidence and motivation rise. Especially when he includes why they deserve that public compliment!

Tip: Looking for more ways to boost employee satisfaction and loyalty? Our growth experts are happy to assist you in finding the perfect approach. With their expertise, you’ll create a work environment where your colleagues enjoy coming and feel valued.

6. Just keep being yourself (and surround yourself with toppers)

The most important thing for a CEO: always remain yourself and act from your own strengths. Don’t be an autocrat, but surround yourself with the best people and be open to good arguments. Every talent adds value. Together you are strong!

How Marquis can help tomorrow's CEO

Want to become a business leader of the future or have one in your company? At Markies, we understand the challenges CEOs face now and in the future. Whether you’re looking for team development, culture change or leadership development, our approach and leadership training helps leaders develop the skills and confidence to navigate these turbulent times.

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