Effective Leadership in Sales Teams

In this video, we discuss a common problem within sales teams: after attending training, many sales directors and CEOs quickly fall back into management mode. Once again, they tell their team exactly what to do, instead of coaching them and allowing them to grow independently. While this approach may seem effective in the short term, it often leaves sales reps unable to sustainably put the techniques they’ve learned into practice.

We explain why it is crucial to switch from management to coach mode. Instead of chewing out everything for your team, ask questions and listen to their challenges. Ask them what they find difficult, where they get stuck, and how you can support them. By giving them the opportunity to take responsibility and even make mistakes, your team will develop self-confidence and the skills learned will remain effective in the long run.

Coaching is all about guidance and ongoing feedback, where you give employees room to grow and further develop their skills. By fostering a culture of learning and personal growth, you ensure that training doesn’t just stay in theory, but leads to sustainable results and improved performance. Success starts with good leadership, and that means coaching instead of managing!

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