Discussion of the Annual Budget Process.

In this video, we explore the best approach to creating a joint marketing and sales budget through deeper analysis and strategic planning. Many companies simply use a previous budget with a standard increase, but this is not enough to grow in today’s dynamic marketplace. We discuss why it is important to thoroughly map out your Customer Journey so you know what frustrates your customers and how to improve your performance.

In addition, we highlight the importance of reviewing roles and responsibilities within your team to maximize effectiveness. The video offers concrete tips on how to align your budget based on data and performance, rather than relying solely on a percentage increase from last year.

By basing your approach on facts, closely analyzing your target audience, and optimizing your content and campaigns, you can create a budget that not only reflects the status quo, but is focused on achieving better and more sustainable results. Follow these guidelines to develop a strategic budget that will help your business grow into 2025 and beyond. Good luck!

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