Color wheel in sales process

In this video, we discuss how to use the color wheel and emotions in the sales process. While color profiles are often used to analyze employees and improve collaboration, they can also be effectively applied to customer relationships, which are a form of collaboration as well.

By leveraging insights from profiles like Lumina Spark, you can tailor your sales conversations to match your customer’s personalities. It’s crucial to consider these color profiles even before the meeting begins, allowing you to adjust your approach accordingly. During the meeting, body language is key, and using the color profiles can help optimize your communication. A red customer appreciates factual and direct conversations, while a green customer needs a sense of security. Yellow customers value creativity and innovation and will appreciate new ideas.

When dealing with multiple personalities in a room, such as a marketing director with a yellow profile and a CEO with a red profile, you need to balance your approach to engage and motivate both effectively.

After the meeting, the work doesn’t end. Consider the different needs of each color profile: a red customer may have already made a decision, while a blue customer will require more documentation. Green customers will need reassurance, and yellow customers will be curious about what’s next.

By thinking in terms of color profiles, you can more effectively plan your sales approach and better engage with the various personalities of your customers. This approach is useful not only for internal team profiling but also in your customer interactions.

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